Structuring Around Design
The general term “Application” applies to something which directly accomplishes whatever the user wants to do. It does not refer to universal functions and features. Therefore, in order to design an application it is necessary to understand what the user wants to accomplish.
Design Centrism does not end with desired functionality. Especially when it comes to Smart Devices, the touch interface demands an intuitive approach.
Therefore, “smooth-user friendly” operation from start to finish is essential.
People are instinctively interested in beautiful design. Smart device users, who are more sensitive to “look & feel”, are likely to “touch” what is beautiful, whether or not is essential to what they want or need to accomplish.
They easily lose interest in what is not artistically impressive.
It is more and more the role of “design” to develop a good balance between “art” and “practicality”.
With the proliferation of smart devices, the role of design becomes increasingly important. Designers are not only required to “artistically create”, they also must add value to the application by forefronting and improving on functionality.
Design is the core of all smart device applications.